Demo Day May 18th
The Sanctuary put together a line up of fun
educational Demo's for you to enjoy.
See you there!!
Your $10 ticket helps us continue our mission
9 am “Relationship, Regulation and Resilience “
Using the round pen to support trust and learning.
Terry Kuebler is a life long horsewoman with a background in training both domestic and
exotic animals for the film industry. Terry will demonstrate how to recognize early signs of fight,
flight or freeze in the horse and guide you through stepsto support him/her back to a state of soft,
focused relaxation.
10 am
Amy Nava, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Kimberly Ebinger, Licensed Professional
Clinical Counselor are an Eagala certified Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP) team from
Sacramento Valley. They have been providing licensed EAP for over five years together, specializing in addiction and trauma rehabilitation, subcontracted through local inpatient treatment centers. Both grew up riding and owning horses, and currently manage their own talk therapy private practices. They found their niche by joining their two passions: horses and mental health, and are pleased to be sharing their knowledge through an immersive session combining horses and the human emotive experience.
11 am
Essential Oils for Emotions & Emergencies
Jenni Odum, of Naturally Cowgirl, LLC., is a veterinary trained Animal Aromatherapist,
Equine Bowen Therapist and Equine Experiencial Instructor (specializing in working with
neurodivergent clients and those processing previous traumas). She will be demonstrating
simple, safe ways to use plant medicine to regulate emotional responses and aid in common
horse related emergencies. Come get a hands on experience and try them for yourself!
12 pm
Kelly Barton, Reading Labels, Nutrition
Canine nutrition: What’s in the dog food bag – understanding nutrition labels. Learn how to buy a better bag to elevate your beloved pet’s health.
Kelly Barton with Elevate K9 is an avid raw feeder that switched from kibble to raw feeding 5 years ago and never looked back. Her 5-year-old Rottweiler was showing signs of inflammation and disease that was cutting her life short. Transitioning to fresh food has improved her dog’s health, slowed the disease progression and brought her spark back. Since then, Kelly has shared her passion for feeding our beloved canines the best we can. Kelly believes in meeting people where they are, so if it’s not the right time to feed raw or gently cooked fresh food, then Kelly will help find a better bag for your best friend.
Here's an Elevate K9 success story with amazing results. I met Callie who is a young dog with digestive and skin issues who also exhibits anxiety and a fear-based reactivity to dogs and people. I once witnessed this dog break her prong collar to chase down a couple out for a stroll 50 yards away. She lunged to bite.
We changed Callie’s kibble to something her owner could still afford, but by removing highly inflammatory and overly processed ingredients, her gut and skin started to heal, and she was no longer in a constant inflammatory state. Guess what? Her reactivity became manageable. This dog went from being homebound 24/7, 365 days a year, (Callie’s owner couldn’t even get her beyond the front porch without her becoming a frantic mess), to enjoying life like a dog should. Since the diet change, Callie’s owner is able to take her out for walks, hikes on popular trails, and she even has playdates with other dogs.
Callie’s owner said “I didn’t even know Callie was inflamed until she wasn’t. She used to never want to eat, but now she loves her new food and eats it right away.”
1 pm
Angie Gaudy, Masterson Demo