integral eye movement therapy
creating change in the blink of an eye
Trauma is the lasting emotional response that often results from living through a distressing event. Journey to the Heart offers Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT), a healing modality to help those who'd like to move past traumatic events.
How does it work?
Specific eye movements are linked to the parts of the brain that store memories and emotions (e.g. amygdala and hippocampus). By using a sequence of eye movements, the IEMT method helps to target and change the memory imprints and neural pathways associated with negative emotion(s). As an evidence-based therapy, IEMT works at the root causal level, rather than focusing purely on symptoms to resolve deep or long-held issues.
The mind encodes memories/emotions through visual, auditory, gustatory or kinesthetic experiences. Pleasant memories tend to be timestamped and have a positive emotion attached. Traumatic memories tend to loop, so that the memory feels like it’s happening in real time when individuals are triggered. IEMT helps clients leave the past negative emotional states in the past.
What is the process?
Clients are asked to hold distressing imagery in mind while the practitioner asks the client to move her/his eyes in different directions. The result of this is often that the imagery loses its emotional impact and becomes far less disturbing. The sometimes effective therapeutic model of EMDR is built on this principle.
In which cases is IEMT beneficial?
IEMT is an excellent tool for dealing with a wide range of emotional issues such as stress and anxiety, PTSD, flashbacks, insomnia, feelings of guilt, regret and remorse, fears and phobias, overwhelm, trauma, panic attacks, and identity issues.
About Crystal, IEMT Practitioner
Crystal Anna is certified 'Unhackable Life Coach', Equine-Assisted Learning Practitioner (Natural Lifemanship), and certified IEMT Advanced Practitioner. Crystal spent 20 years in the Health and Fitness industry as a personal trainer. She has a unique approach with intuition and other holistic modalities to help her clients create change and move past trauma.
As a certified life coach, she has dedicated her life to helping individuals achieve their dreams and live a fulfilling life. She is passionate about empowering clients to overcome obstacles and reach their potential. She helps clients find clarity, set achievable targets, and create actionable plans that guides them to live their best lives.
Client Testimonials
"I was able to leave the session feeling more grounded, integrated, clear thinking and free of so much
that had been triggering and weighing me down emotionally." ~Sara
"I’m very grateful to Crystal for my IEMT sessions.Both were done in person and were simple, powerful and profound. We started with surface memories and very quickly moved through deep, long forgotten childhood issues that I had no idea existed much less shaped my behavior.
Crystal was very professional and supportive, continually reminding me to breathe and focus on the memories while going through the eye movements
It felt noninvasive while still creating huge energetic movement and significant emotional change.
Thank you again! I highly recommend this modality." ~Terry
"I am So glad that I was able to do an IEMT session with Crystal! It was an in-person session and in just one appointment I was able to make so much progress. I have been in
counseling many times with great therapists that used various modalities, such as Brain Spotting. I found IEMT to be a more direct route, with less time taken in discussing background and more time in addressing actual memories and perceptions. I was able to leave the session feeling more grounded, integrated, clear thinking and free of so much that had been triggering and weighing me down emotionally. Crystal was professional,
gave the impression that she was well versed in what she was doing and the atmosphere was comfortable and put me at ease. When my emotions overwhelmed me, Crystal knew
exactly what to do to talk me through it, offer me comfort and peace, and keep
processing. It was a fantastic experience and I can't wait to recommend her to all of my clients and friends!" ~Jen
"We started with surface memories and very quickly moved through deep, long forgotten childhood issues that I had no idea existed, much less shaped my behavior." ~Amy
Phone Consultation
10 minute phone consultation to explain the process, prior to booking. Here we set goals and expectations.
1-Hour Session
In-person and virtual appointment options are available. Typical length is one hour. Based on circumstances, time can be shortened or extended.
Phone Consultation
Financial aid is available to clients who cannot afford this rate. We do not accept insurance at this time.
Follow-up Care
Clients will be able to contact me on my direct line pre/post session regarding post-treatment